Meet the Photographers
We're that cheesy couple. The couple that you see holding hands walking in to the grocery store or sharing a slice of cheesecake at a restaurant. We go shopping at Gamestop for a new video game or Funko release and the people who work in there know us by name. Our favorite diner calls us "that sweet couple". We're hot dog connoisseurs and coffee addicts. We go bowling every Saturday and compete for bragging rights the following week. We watch cheesy black and white horror movies and critique them over pizza. We watch reruns of MacGyver and call him out sometimes on his getaway chemistry combinations. He collects music, I collect horror and movie memorablilia. He drags me to concerts and I drag him to horror conventions. We're best friends and do everything together - we go grocery shopping, Ikea shopping, exercise and do yoga together. We even went through unrelated rare life threatening illnesses weeks apart, wore heart monitors at the same time, and spent months recovering on couches in the den together while my parents took care of us. This forced us to temporarily close the studio and limit our sessions for two years due to my husband's inability to travel and walk. BUT! We are strong again, closer than ever, and connected in so many new ways - I am grateful to still have him beside me, still wake up every day myself, and still be able to do what we love, which is capturing your most precious memories!
We decided to start our photography business together in 2007 and share an office, too. It works! Note, we DO have our own separate office spaces, computers and desks (thank you IKEA!). This man even attends continuing education conventions and seminars with me - I love this guy! We have a son that is in college studying computer programming and game design, who sometimes helps with the Easter sessions and the holiday rush, and an adopted rescue terrier mix fur baby that loves to interrupt editing by howling and insisting on a little attention. She sometimes even sneaks out to say HI when someone stops by to pick up their order.
We are full-time photographers and we truly value the art of photography. We don't work during the week and shoot on weekends as a hobby, our studio is our livelihood. Running a licensed and insured legitimate business is a full time job! We do all the advertising, marketing, shooting, post production, designing, ordering, packaging, taxes, licensing, archiving and accounting ourselves. There's so much more to being a photographer than just shooting - it's actually about 5% shooting, 95% business!

I have always had a love and fascination for photography and all things photography! Way back in the days of elementary school, a disposable camera in hand - snapping random shots of the grass, rocks and all other things that captivate a child of the age of 5. Then came the what-seemed-like-forever anticipation of receiving the developed film and seeing what would be on each piece of paper. It almost seemed magical. Okay, even today in the digital age, I admit - it still seems magical!
My style is fun, natural, modern, and organic! I love creamy colors, natural textures, spashes of color and antique props! I giggle, make faces, act silly, roll around on the floor, lay on my belly in the grass and share candy breaks with my little clients, doing whatever it takes to capture a TRUE smile, serious eyes, the personality. I love interacting with children. They can be - okay, they ALWAYS ARE - unpredictable. That's what I love about doing children's sessions. You NEVER know what to expect, how to plan, what's going to come out of their mouth, or go into their mouth! They can be so inquisitive, or active, or shy - no two children that I've met have been the same. Each child is unique in SO many ways - and I want to capture that! Sure the posed portrait with the perfect smile is what most people want, but I also want to capture those cute little expressions and silly faces they make at their age (like "So Big" and "What does a monkey do?") for you to remember, too!
My amazing husband and partner-in-crime, Jonathan, has been into photography since taking a class in high school. He captures the session as it unfolds in a documentary fashion - candid, natural, snapping away while no one is paying attention to him or noticing that he's taken out a second camera. He’s mainly known as the poser and the “candy guy”, but he's also known as the sun-blocker, the doggie-treat-man, the drool-wiper, the battery-switcher, the light-scrimmer, the bunny-or-goat-wrangler, the baby-propper, the hair-fixer, the binkie-stealer, the dog-chaser, the toy-squeaker, the prop-lugger, the clothes-straightener, and the silly guy with the squawking rubber chicken who makes even the adults crack a smile! I can't imagine working without him - he's my rock and support and gives me the confidence to do something that I've always loved to do.